Project Frankenstein...

Posted by Robert Griffith | Wednesday, January 13, 2010 |

Okay, this is one of the more bizarre PhotoShop projects I give.  :)  I call it... Project Frankenstein.

In this project you will gather pieces of faces from different people, and then composite them into a single image.  You can choose male or female, young or old.  You will take one persons head... anothers eyes... anothers mouth... anothers nose. 

You can start with Google Images or use pictures of your family or friends.

Some tips:

  • Click "Show Options" and then click "Large" for size.
  • Start with a large picture of a head as the base to put the pieces.
  • Pick faces with approximately the same skin color.
  • Pick faces with similar lighting (i.e. from the same side).
  • Drop your layer opacity to position the features and then return it to 100%.
  • Use your eraser tool with a feathered edge to blend the features in.
  • Save small "thumbnails" of your original pictures to display with your finished project.
Good luck!  I'm looking forward to seeing your creations.  :)

Class Syllabus