Flash: Eyes that Follow the Mouse

Posted by Robert Griffith | Thursday, May 20, 2010 | ,

Today we are going to be drawing an eye (facing left), converting it to a movie clip, dragging an instance to the desktop, naming your instances, adding some ActionScript, and testing it.  The result?  Eyes that follow the mouse pointer, obviously.  :)

Here's the ActionScript:

------------------------------ Frame 1 -------------
a = eye1._y-_ymouse;
b = eye1._x-_xmouse;
angleA = Math.atan2(a, b);
degrees = angleA/(Math.PI/180);
setProperty("eye1", _rotation, degrees);
a2 = eye2._y-_ymouse;
b2 = eye2._x-_xmouse;
angleA2 = Math.atan2(a2, b2);
degrees2 = angleA2/(Math.PI/180);
setProperty("eye2", _rotation, degrees2);
----------------------------- Frame 2 ------------

Below is a Video Tutorial which will help explain the process:

Class Syllabus